Saturday, September 30, 2006

index to photos/movie

,... click any of the following links: ...

Turkey 2011 (movie of 22 photos)

Turkey 2011 (slideshow of 22 photos)

Virginia 2011(Penny Esterbrook's)

Belize 2011 (66 photos)

India 2010 (best 25 )

Nepal India 2010(all 366 pics)

link (click) to an index on Shutterfly (formerly Kodak)
.... includes:
Hawaii 2006, Orient Express 2006, Gardening 2006,
Silk Route 3007, Kayak Queen Charlotte, Andalusia 2008,
Vietnam 2010, Eastern Europe 2010, Gardening 2010


Friday, September 29, 2006

A list of previous trips

year count description
----- -- --------------
1993 1 Downhill to Nice (Strasboug-Nice)
1994 2 Italy, met the Gibsons
1995 4 Eastern Townships Jenifer's Bordeaux
1996 6 Downhill to Nice, best trip Caves Conques Carcasonne
1997 8 Valley to Vista Italy, the met Reids
1998 10 Scotland Dordogne (Marg got bit)
1999 12 Mountain Magic (Stressa) Champagne
2000 14 Downhill to Nice Auvergne
2001 16 Tale of 2 cities Vienna to Munich, Italy
2002 19 Ireland, Pyrennes Outback (NE of Toul;ouse)
2003 22 NZ, GrapeEx, Normandy
2004 24 Alsace (with TDL) Picos (23), Provence (24)
2005 28 Mexico(25) Quebec(26) Shadow (27) Barcelona (28)
2006 32 New Mexico (29) Orient Express (30) HawaiiCV (31) Hawaii with Gabriola(32)